>POFF // Turn off all output and front pannel The DVP-4 & DVP4DI use a DB9 straight-through cable (don't use a null-modem cable).- 4x4 HDMI Matrix + Video-Wall Processor (part # CE-H24C11-S1)ĪSCII Command & telnet command Add a ST-COM module to the system if a device requires RS-422 control.

*NOTE - ST-CP COM ports will not support RS-422 communication. While viewing the RJ-11 connector from the back of the ST-CP, Pin 1 is located to the far left. The ST-CP processor has two COM ports that use RJ-11 type connectors. Review the product manual online and/or reference SIMPL Help Files for details. If necessary, RXD+/RXD- and TXD+/TXD- may be swapped to maintain correct signal levels.īi-Directional RS485: COM (DB9) CONNECTOR RXD and TXD- should idle low (going high at start of data transmission). RXD+ and TXD+ should idle high (going low at start of data transmission). * NOTE - RS-422 transmit and receive are balanced signals requiring two lines plus a ground in each direction. Only use if selected in SimplWindows program.